
September 20, 2023 | Metal. At Photofestival 2023
September 8, 2023

'Metal Architecture'on display as part of the Photofestival 2023 Lia Stein's project, "Metal Architecture" already presented at MIA 2023, the most important Italian fair dedicated to photography, last March, expands and enriches. Starting from September 15th until October 31st, the most recent works will be exhibited in an exhibition in Lia Stein's Atelier. The inauguration will be held on September 20th in the Atelier in Via Veniero 8, Milano. ...

October 1-15, 2020 | at Milano Photofestival | Il rigore dello sguardo
October 8, 2020

On the occasion of the Photofestival Milano 2020, after a long journey from Paris to Sestri Levante, Il Rigore dello Sguardo, an exhibition curated by Roberto Mutti with works from the 3M Foundation Archive, arrives again in Milan at Palazzo Castiglioni- Corso Venezia 47. From 1st to 15th October the exhibition is open from 8.30 to 18.00 from Monday to Friday.   PHOTOFESTIVAL MILAN | 07.09-15.11 2020 Scenarios, horizons, challenges. T...

"Il Rigore dello Sguardo" in Sestri Levante until July 26th
July 13, 2020

Unfortunately, very few were able to admire the shots of Lia Stein exhibited at the Parisian exhibition "La Rigueur du Regard", inaugurated in the early days of the lockdown. Now that, at least, in Italy, the situation has improved and it is possible to move freely, the opportunity is renewed. The shots presented in the exhibition "Il Rigore dello Sguardo" curated by Roberto Mutti which collects various works from the 3M Foundation archive, will be...

La Rigueur du Regard
February 20, 2020

ll Rigore dello Sguardo February 26 to March 20, 2020 Lia Stein's shots on display in Paris A selection made with the photographic archive of the 3M Foundation curated by Roberto Mutti A comparison. An unusual look at reality and its forms. This is "La Rigueur du Regard". Starting from architecture to get to moments of everyday life or to more daring visions, the photographic exhibition "La Rigueur du Regard" winds through different thema...

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